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Data Services


DSpace is an open source digital repository for the management of digital assets. Typically, DSpace is used as an institutional repository by organisations that create or hold a large number of digital assets, such as universities, laboratories, libraries and archives. While DSpace share some feature go beyond with content management systems and document management systems, the DSpace repository software serves a specific need as a digital archives system focused on the continuing storage, access and protection of digital content.

Special Features of DSpace Digital Content :

✅ DSpace allows contributors to limit access to items in DSpace, at both the collection and the entity item stage

✅ Fast, simple and advanced searches against the indexed metadata

✅ Authentication is provided through user passwords, X509 certificates or LDAP. Access controls can be administered by only authorized users.

✅ DSpace can store and provide on-line browsing ability for independent, non-dynamic HTML documents.

✅ To make your content FAIR, open and easy to access.

✅ The ability to notify content owners as particular formats need updating

✅ To collect, preserve and disseminate your digital assets.

✅ Import and export for communities, collections and item is supported by DSpace.

✅ DSpace are provide all statistical report/summary for administrated usages

✅ To help in creation persistent identifier for every item DSpace makes use of handle systems global resolution features.

✅ To manage your files of any formats and mime types (e.g.: pdf, docx, xlsx, jpg, mpeg, tiff, mp4).

Megabyte Offers:

✅ Dspace Installation and Setup

✅ Dspace Customization and upgrade

✅ Dspace Data Migration

✅ Dspace Training

✅ Dspace Support

✅ Dspace Hosting Solutions

✅ After Sales Support

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