Data Services
OMR Sheet Scanning
Data capture is our specialty. Our scan forms are designed especially for fast, accurate data capture processing. Having Survey Systems scan your OMR forms will save your organization time, money and resources, freeing your staff for other important tasks.
Our dedicated scanner operators will ensure that you receive the most accurate data from your scantron-type tests and surveys.
✅ Forms can be filled out using pencil or blue/black ink pens.
✅ Validation can be added to critical fields to provide greatest possible accuracy.
✅ Sequential numbering of forms as they pass through the scanner will be added for quality assurance.
✅ Variable printing on forms can be added as they are being scanned to incorporate course ID or session numbers into data file.
✅ Hand-written comments can be transcribed directly into data file.
✅ Final data files can be made available in flat ASCII format, or in spreadsheet or database formats.

We can capture data from any document designed to be read by OMR scanners, whether designed and/or printed by Survey Systems or another company.